

so basically every weekends me, my family and cousins usually went biking, either at senayan (car free day) or bsd. it's because of our dads actually, they got us into biking, and we're loving it <3>
today we went biking at bsd. i woke up at 6.30 in the morning, brush my teeth, ate breakfast, and go straight to mcdonalds bsd (it is our starting point hihi). half way there, my dad FORGOT THE TIRES (kebanyakan sepeda ampe harus di copot-copot2 rodanya, nah kan mulai gua ganti bahasa huahahahay). so we went back to our house. my mom isn't coming so i can use her pink bike (yay! my bike is too small although it's new teehee).

so we started biking, and we biked almost 10km. oyea, one of my cousin was chased by a dog -,- after that we came back to mcdonalds and ateeeee. and then this is raygi's (one of my cousin) first ride, so after that we went to rodalink to accompany him buy a bike (wow i know, the first day -,-) so he bought a bike and a full outfit head to toe.

after that we went to virza's house to playyy wihiiii :)

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